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Nick59 12th June 2012 22:00

The Tirtone Cut
Late one at work :whip: so only managed a quick measure, this is where I am at

It looks remarkably like Tirtones I think I feel a bit more positive about it...needs to come back 40mm...probably can`t cut until the weekend.

Patton 13th June 2012 04:37

measure once twice and another for luck then cut, bugger and stick a bit back on have fun, PAT

tlrtone 13th June 2012 10:49

Nick, it is identical to mine, and my car came out ok :biggrin:, so there is light at the end of the tunnel!!

Make up some little brackets to hold it all together, don't worry about screw holes as you can fill them after. Do the side and top separately as it is easier to align and you are working with smaller bits. It will look a bit like Frankenstein's monster to begin with while you are bonding it all together, but when you remove the brackets after a couple of days, and stand back, it will look ace!

Get yourself a flexible sander and velcro sandpaper and the filling will be a whole lot easier!

Good luck, and feel free to ask any questions!

tlrtone 13th June 2012 16:08

Here's what mine was like during the reconstruction...

tlrtone 14th June 2012 15:49

BTW, there is more detail on my website about the cut'n'shut

Nick59 16th June 2012 22:38


I really don`t know how you managed to do your build so quickly and managed to produce a cracking website.:hail:

Well the Tirtone cut has been made....unfortunately busy week and busy weekend so this is where I got to.

Ready to cut

Did I mention I had foamed it!:icon_redface:

And here we are with the Tirtone cut

Think I will put some ally mesh bonded behind then bond and be honest I was crapping myself doing the cut but nothing scary at all really, will post some pics when I have filled and rubed down

Mister Towed 17th June 2012 05:28

Looking good. I just hope it doesn't have a knock on effect with fitting the bonnet.

davecymru 17th June 2012 07:28

Looking good! Looks like you've crossed the Sammio owner milestone of making a major change to the car and realizing once you've done it that its actually quite liberating to be able to do whatever you want in the knowledge that you can sort it all out yourself :)

Mister Towed 21st July 2012 18:33

How's your car coming along - finished yet?

Nick59 11th November 2013 12:58

Oh Dear What happened!....I seem to have lost nearly 18 months!...I am ashamed to say that building the sammio developed a false sense that somehow I could perform decided to remove and re-build a saab convertible engine...big mistake as it trapped the sammio at the back of the is the winter of my back to the garage to go boldly forward (having scrapped the bloody saab!)

tlrtone 11th November 2013 14:41

Don't worry Nick,

I started my Miglia in January this year with the intent of completing it to the same sort of schedule as my Sammio - ei about 5-6 months, and here I am in November and the body is not even on yet! :noidea:

I got round to doing some wiring yesterday in the sunshine - albeit cold outside - and so I feel I made a little progress.... :high5:

Spend the winter collecting all the remaining bits and do a tiny bit each weekend to keep your motivation! When the summer coms next year, you'll be ready - well that is my new plan anyway! :pray2:

Good luck with digging out your Sammio!

Paul L 11th November 2013 21:32

Nick - These projects do seem to have a mind of their own when it comes to timings. :rolleyes:

I hope you have a productive winter.

Good luck, Paul. :)

Paul L 23rd November 2015 18:57

Nick - Sorry to see your build on Ebay, but I hope the sale goes well.

Good luck, Paul. :)

Nick59 17th May 2017 13:46

Well this is where I still am nearly 5 years later!!!!!!!! what bloody happened to that
Well I could tell you but :-
1. You would not believe me.
2. It would be a book 2" thick!

So for those that have forgotten.....I will call this Stage 2 of the build.


oxford1360 17th May 2017 14:06

Welcome back, Nick. Looking forward to seeing progress. I am in my sixth year of an 18-month build, so you are not alone.

Like you, life is quite different to when I started building.

Mister Towed 17th May 2017 16:14

Welcome back Nick, looking forward to following stage 2.

Paul L 17th May 2017 16:46

Nick - Welcome back. :cool:

If it makes you feel any better, I am only just preparing for paint now, over 5 years after I first bought my donor car. :rolleyes:

The way I look at it, anyone who actually gets a Sammio on the road deserves full praise, regardless of how long it took.

Good luck, Paul. :)

Back in 2012, the cuts you made to your body shell looked scary, how little did I know about what lay ahead of me. :icon_wink:

MikeD 18th May 2017 07:18

Yes, I'm in year 6 too, fun isn't it? Good luck with Stage 2

phil9 18th May 2017 18:18

good to have you back..... but wow i could not go six years....but lets hope its not six more good luck guys

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