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jones 11th October 2014 19:25

So I have gone and done it...
So after floating around this forum sharing my opinions but now I am putting a challenge to myself and going to do an MX250 kit.

I purchased the mx back in April after toying with the idea for a few months, a few beers with encouagement from friends in the pub and a search on fleebay. Picked it up a couple of days later and been driving it around all summer.

Here are some pics at pick up:

jones 11th October 2014 19:29

A trip on what turned out to be a very wet day and 7 hours of being a white van man and this happened to my front lawn...

fatbloke 11th October 2014 20:01

Maybe when your neighbour isn't looking you can slip the kit on to the Mk3 in the background :-D

Best of luck and have fun.

seanick 11th October 2014 21:23

Good luck with the build.
Slow and steady wins the race. Mind you, I would not recommend you go as slow as me!!
Have fun, and wear a mask.

Scottie22 12th October 2014 09:57

Well Seanick, I've always tried to go as fast as I can, but because I've had to fabricate most of the bits, and the attention to detail to get it right always wins, this kind of strangles the work-rate back to a slow-and-steady crawl! So you are right!

Seriously, if you rush it, you end up with an obvious "kit car"

If you do go slow and steady, you end up with a really nice "classic" looking one-off.

Good luck jonesy!

jones 12th October 2014 17:56

Hi thanks for the well wishes.

Going to be a month or so before I get truly going onthis. Because:

A) to get the signed off by the wife I prmoised to complete the diy on the house first.

B) a run of bad luck has 1st seen my daily driver have an accident, 2nd the insurance company has refused to cover it so 3rd the repairs failed whilst driving at 80mph on the M1.

C) not to be left out I am using the mx5 as a daily driver which has now
wanted to get in on the act started running on 3 cylinders narrowed down to a faulty coil pack when under load.

However this has not stopped the cogs turning as to what can I do when I do get going.

Danny_HUFC 13th October 2014 07:19

Im guessing you have already picked the colour?

And looking at the front end as per the ferrari with the fog lights, im guessing red?

I struggled to find fog lights to fit but ended up buying some hella ones that had a black plastic casing, once stripped down they fit fine!

jones 13th October 2014 15:25

Thanks Danny, you have answered the question I had for you with regards to what fog lights you used.

With regards to colour - the Jury is out, I won't be doing red for me there is already a couple of great red examples yours is included. I am thinking white but again there are a few examples already or blue.... not sure the engine bay and all underside and interior will be sprayed black.

Peepsy 13th October 2014 16:38

Good luck and welcome to the go to sleep thinking about the car and waking up thinking about the car club. :sleep:

Danny_HUFC 13th October 2014 16:51

if its going to have Ferr@ri badges on then its got to be red. However, i havnt seen a yellow 1...

Paul L 15th October 2014 16:20


Originally Posted by jones (Post 60513)
Paul, the wait might not be so long... as suggested by Danny my MX250 is awaiting the final decision on colour. I am ruling out the red and probably the white as there are already some great examples of this about but I still want something period... blue is in my mind too with a white stripe?

Jones - I thought I'd reply to your post on the other thread here.

When I was trying to narrow down my colour choices, I just cut of photos from magazines like so.

Also this Sammio G-46 had a nice blue paint job with white stripes "next door".

Good luck, Paul. :)

jones 16th October 2014 20:09

Thanks Paul that's a great idea and you certainly put a good selection together - below is my idea.... for today that is! tomorrow might be back to yellow

jones 27th October 2014 20:10

So today I got my first few hours on the car since getting the kit a few weeks ago. It's disappointing but due to other external influences I will be doing this project as and when I can find the time. I had intended to take a week off to get the body on and then spend the rest of the winter tweeking it etc.

Well anyway I have managed to get some done and today it the front end that got my attention. Importantly i got my first excuse to use the new power toy...

I had to grind off a few seized bolts to remove the front bumper but piece by piece the front lawn looked like a Mazda jumble sale.

I am pleased to announce that a small fear has been alleviated as I purchased the car really quite cheap due to the appalling paintwork. I had therefore wondered if that was a result of some major accident BUT its all straight under those panels!

So I was eager to see it with the front on so first dry run with still a few rubbers and bonnet catch still in place and voilá...

A bit later on I was able to remove these bits and do a better dry fit including the removal of the corners from the front plastic impact bar.

The one thing I am surprised about is how high the front is now sitting - the bonnet, bumper and wings didn't appear to way much at all but will now have to look at lowering the car. Any suggestions on by how much I should lower it, by anyone who has done it already?

Tribute Automotive 27th October 2014 20:15


Originally Posted by jones (Post 60813)
So today I got my first few hours on the car since getting the kit a few weeks ago. It's disappointing but due to other external influences I will be doing this project as and when I can find the time. I had intended to take a week off to get the body on and then spend the rest of the winter tweeking it etc.

Well anyway I have managed to get some done and today it the front end that got my attention. Importantly i got my first excuse to use the new power toy...

I had to grind off a few seized bolts to remove the front bumper but piece by piece the front lawn looked like a Mazda jumble sale.

I am pleased to announce that a small fear has been alleviated as I purchased the car really quite cheap due to the appalling paintwork. I had therefore wondered if that was a result of some major accident BUT its all straight under those panels!

So I was eager to see it with the front on so first dry run with still a few rubbers and bonnet catch still in place and voilá...

A bit later on I was able to remove these bits and do a better dry fit including the removal of the corners from the front plastic impact bar.

The one thing I am surprised about is how high the front is now sitting - the bonnet, bumper and wings didn't appear to way much at all but will now have to look at lowering the car. Any suggestions on by how much I should lower it, by anyone who has done it already?

I would get your wheel and tyre combo sorted and fitted before you lower it Ian, see how it looks with more rubber on it.

Danny_HUFC 27th October 2014 21:01

I never lowerd mine. i dont think you need to with the correct wheels/tyres

jones 27th October 2014 21:38

Thanks Chris and Danny - I will leave that decision until the last possible moment before paint.

Drummajor 28th October 2014 08:41

I lowered mine 30 mm on eibach springs. The ride was too harsh so now I've got standard on the rear with lowered eibach s on the front. This works well.

jones 20th December 2014 09:13

So its that time of the year that the door gets knocked frequently my wife grins and giggles runs to the door to collect the parcel
, then rushes off to hide it. This morning wasn't any different 'knock, knock' wife lept out of the bed with some purpose grabbed her dressing gown to go downstairs "oh yay it's the parcel I have been waiting for!" All chirpy she chatted to the delivery man, what she hadn't done was check the label, door closes and she skips up the stairs then theres a pause..."oh,its for you" she cries out and the slowly walks back into the room and throws the box at me. The whole time I was smug in the knowledge that I too was expecting a box...

Combine this with my recent delivery from Italy I now have....

Just waiting on some more deliveries and then I can get on :happy:

jones 20th December 2014 09:31

Haha it's too funny it happened again, this time she checked the label

box no.2

Mister Towed 20th December 2014 10:05

Ooh, I like those coffin shaped side repeaters. Do you have a link to the supplier?

Danny_HUFC 20th December 2014 10:22

I bought a set of them off ebay towed.....

jones 20th December 2014 21:51

Yeah they're the same ones Danny although bit disappointed with the quality, will do for now but will replace at a later time. The plastic bulb holder piece is poorly finished and both of mine have a crack.

Danny_HUFC 21st December 2014 06:25

Mine seemed to be ok, however they wernt from that listing that just came up after an ebay search. I think I payed a little more for mine too

Scottie22 21st December 2014 08:54

They appear to be a bit over priced for a bad copy.
Do look nice though.

Mister Towed 21st December 2014 17:25


Originally Posted by Danny_HUFC (Post 62125)
I bought a set of them off ebay towed.....

Thanks Danny, will save the link.

jones 24th December 2014 17:00

Baby Steps...
So I had an hour or so spare today but as I am still awaiting the postman to bring me more goodies I am kind of stuck with regards to measuring and fitting out rear lights and the frond headlights I thought I would crack on regardless and start with my front indicators and checking the aperture for the great looking Marchal fogs.

And yes it even works:bounce:

Sad to get so happy about this but glad after having the kit for a while but distracted by lots of life things to get it moving forwards even if only small baby steps.

Scottie22 28th December 2014 13:34

Even baby steps get you closer to completion! Just takes longer.

jones 31st December 2014 18:03

So today I woke up and brewed myself a strong coffee and to my amazement managed to get some smaller DIY jobs done, this appeased the wife and finally the headlight buckets came so great start to the day.

During the days after Christmas I had listed my mx5 front end parts with a caveat at the end mentioning I would in the future have some rear parts available. Within 2hrs the front wings were gone and a couple of days later everything but the rear bumper is sold:eyebrows:

so with 2.5hrs to play today I removed the bootlid and bumper and everything is ready for the people to pick up on Saturday so I couldn't resist it. Time for a dry test fit, everything went on relatively easily and the roll cage is a great design. However the race against the light fading meant no pictures other than the car put to bed. Tomorrow I have permission to have the whole day playing on it, planning on having all front lights fitted and working. Can't do the rears yet as still waiting for a company to get back to work on the 5th to send the rear reflectors.

One thing I am pleased about is how straight my donor is and therefore how easily everything is unbolting - i bet the rest of the build will not be so smooth!

jones 8th January 2015 20:06

So its been a while since the last update, I have however been able to spend a few hours here and there and actually last Sunday managed to do a proper dry fit using all panels.

The pictures in the previous post are bit of a cheat I hadn't removed the hood etc from the vehicle and as I didn't want to ruin the bumper skin and the plastic retainer clips I took had removed the whole bumper including the impact bar. This is now back on the car with skin removed.

The one thing that i did spend hours on was trying to fit the roll cage properly - nothing seem to line up to a point that i was worried i had purchased a dud car!:pray2: So out came the tape measure and started to do cross measurements to ensure the car was in fact square. Good news it was bang on :razz: It took a number of strategic bolts, a hydraulic jack and a lump hammer but it all lines up OK, has anyone else had the same issues? The question is do I now prep it and paint it on the car or risk going through that again and potentially scratching the new paint finish?

I have also been waiting on one pair of crucial parts before I could start cutting and fitting the rear lights - my Carello reflectors. Well pleased to say I got home tonight to find that they had finally arrived.

Now I have to admit although the right brand and style they are slightly the wrong size for the lights but only slightly so I am sure I can get away with it. Sorry Scottie I am already making compromises :shocked:

I have also purchased some lowering springs however they will be stored until closer to the end as its nice to have such easy access at the moment to the car with its weight loss and thus rise in chassis height.

I have found as well that when you get into doing jobs on the build you kind of forget to take a picture at times that might be useful to other new to building kits such as I, compounded by the lack of daylight meaning when you do stop its normally because daylight has gone :icon_cry:

It appears the -1 degree caused camera shake too!

The next quest is to bl**dy buy a MIG welder unless any of you live close and would be prepared to help me do some welding?

But this weekend will be positioning rear the lights and getting those wired - although still waiting on some electrical connectors to come in the post.

Tribute Automotive 10th January 2015 19:39

Hi Ian. Sorry to hear that you had some issues fitting your roll cage. It's a bit odd as all the cages are fabricated on our stripped out MX5 "jig" shell. Try loosely fitting one bolt per flange first, then you may need to put a screw driver in the holes to line up second hole, then tighten the first bolt up to hold the flange in the correct position, then insert the second bolt. From experience gained from the cars we have built the trickiest bolts are the 4 at the head of the windscreen, they don't enter the bodywork at 90 degrees as expected, but vertically, if you see what I mean. Give me a call if you need anymore pointers.

jones 12th January 2015 21:44

Hi Chris thanks for the response, I have to admit there was no question about build quality as I was there with you unbolting the frame off your jig shell.i did end up doing exactly as you described actually.

The wind put any hope of getting anything done over the weekend to bed. So status quo apart from the fact I ordered some more parts including some professional looking connectors that I will use for all the wiring for the lights enables the front to be easily removed if needs be.

The rest of the parts were for my XF daily runner that eats through brake discs and pads but I do a few miles... over 20k per year. I source genuine parts and then take the car to Jag to get them fitted - they hate it but they are yet to be able to get them for the same price.

Anway I digress back to my previous post? No volunteers to help with the welding!?!? Seriously though anyone based close or in Northamptonshire?

pauleouellette 25th January 2015 01:45

MIG welder ??????
I've read with interest several of the MX250 build threads, particularly the MX250c, and do not recall the use of a MIG welder in this kit's build instructions. Entirely new to kit work and a ways off in Florida but do find the MX250c to be fascinating. We do have a similar MX5 based kit at Simpson on the west coast. It does a bonnet (hood) hinge connected at the front bumper that allows the bonnet to tilt forward ala Jag XKE. Very interesting. I wonder if it could be adapted to this kit. Also saw a story about a very expensive Swiss car that has its doors do a 90 degree spin to vertical on opening. Just noting some things that will make the car unique.

jones 25th January 2015 08:58

pauleouellette - you absolutely do not need a welder at all. I am just trying to make my life more difficult than needs be. Well I would be if the weather would allow me that it is!

Tribute Automotive 25th January 2015 16:15


Originally Posted by jones (Post 62958)
pauleouellette - you absolutely do not need a welder at all. I am just trying to make my life more difficult than needs be. Well I would be if the weather would allow me that it is!

I have my old MIG welder under a bench at the workshop (2 when I think about it) you are welcome to borrow one if you don't mind buying some gas and wire for it. You could arrange a courier to collect it, to save the journey down.

jones 25th January 2015 18:25

Many thanks Chris, I'll try and give you a call tomorrow.

I did manage to drag myself outside to enjoy a 'fresh' afternoon working on the car. I managed to 'persuade' the metalwork behind the lights to accept the headlight bucket accordingly. I had some new connectors I have replaced the bullet connectors for the indicators so its more inkeeping with the existing wiring. So headlights now fitted just the spots to go and front will be just bodywork.

jones 13th February 2015 18:23

So not been active as of late due to work and some family stuff, oh and some freezing conditions that honestly just got the better of me! However things have moved forwards, I now have a welder (on loan) purchased a welding mask and a few other safety bits.

I did however realise I was not going to be happy with the gas cap I had purchased... so a did manage to buy a genuine original Enots Aston style cap. Today I got home to find the flange kit and fuel hose had been delivered so I really don't have any excuses to get on other than the fact I still haven't decided on colour of the headling yet. Well that could be because I haven't chosen the colour for the roll cage!

well no post of mine would happen without some token picture so here is todays...

landmannnn 13th February 2015 21:34

Braver than me, not playing in this weather!

jones 15th February 2015 12:00

So the risk of running the project outside is that when it constantly drizzles the whole weekend you get sod all done. Frustrating but thats the way this cookie crumbled this weekend. I have managed to tidy up the garage and sort a few bolts and nuts in size order and wire up the new connectors to the rear lights but small gains on what I was hoping to achieve.

ah well onwards and upwards they say.

Paul L 15th February 2015 17:09

Jones - You have my sympathy when it comes to drizzle. :icon_sad:

I have also been playing "indoors" with wiring, just to keep my project ticking along.

Good luck, Paul. :)

jones 7th March 2015 10:24

So unfortunately as I write this I am a few hundred miles away from the build and seemingly the car build has ground to a halt. Work and just general life have got in the way, I now have all the tools and all the materials just none of the time - the one thing I swore to myself was not going to jeopardise this build.

However there has been some progress as previously alluded to I now technically have everything I need, yesterday was the mile stone - there was one item(or actually four) that was going to be a big factor in the success of this build - the wheels!

So I truly wanted to tread new ground and do something different to the all the other great examples already built. I looked at some modern larger diameter wheels but just didn't like it, then looked at some modern retro wheels like the Rota's range. I then came across the Revolution wheels, was it four or five spokes? This seemed to be the only question left.

And the winner is....

COMPOMOTIVE FH! I saw this set being advertised and I had to have them, they are a staggered set, due to be delivered next week and then the cutting of the arches begins!

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