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AndyP57 29th December 2011 12:26

Preston Sammio
Hi all, I've taken the first step and am now the proud owner of my donor vehicle, a 1969 Vitesse Mk 2 which has been dry stored for 31 years!

It will be a while before I see it turning into a Sammio as I intend carrying out a full strip, refurbish and repaint of the donor parts before ordering the kit (Stand by Gary! )

I'm also part way through a build of an Eco-Exo trike which takes a bit of time away from my schedule. Nonetheless, as I go, I'll be posting here and look forward to many happy e-chats with you all.

davecymru 29th December 2011 12:48

Welcome to the club and the best of luck with the restoration, fingers crossed that there aren't any major "surprises" :)


Mister Towed 29th December 2011 17:02

Hi Andy, nice to see another Vitesse based Sammio being started and I hope you find less horrors hidden under your donor body than I did with mine. Look forward to seeing some progress.

lancelot link 29th December 2011 18:33


Welcome aboard.....please put pics up as you go , if possible , the prep work and renovation etc is just as interesting and relevant to us and lurkers etc as the actual kit fitting can be ...

A lot of my customers and potential customers are fairly new to the hobby , having been drawn in by the price and styling of the Sammio ....all reference articles and help is invaluable to these guys...

AndyP57 29th December 2011 19:38

I'll certainly keep a photo log from day 1. Whilst you are here, is the lovely 'D Type' Fin you mocked up in card likely to be available on a Sammio body sometime soon or do you see the idea as a one off?

WorldClassAccident 29th December 2011 21:51

Styling and then the price.

Patton 30th December 2011 08:14

If your like me you are going to enjoy this big time even the set backs and there is always this place for solace "Sammio's Annonymouse" (spelling not requiered). I've found myself in the garage just finking then getting on with it, welcome and enjoy, Pat (& Skippy)

mulberry 30th December 2011 10:03

hi Andy welcome, and happy building, you find lots of helpfull tips and tricks on here, and if your not sure just ask, one of us on here would have the answer....

lancelot link 30th December 2011 16:31


Originally Posted by AndyP57 (Post 25456)
I'll certainly keep a photo log from day 1. Whilst you are here, is the lovely 'D Type' Fin you mocked up in card likely to be available on a Sammio body sometime soon or do you see the idea as a one off?

AVAILABLE END OF JANUARY...Price to be finalized but in line with our existing price structuring CHEAP !

AndyP57 31st December 2011 13:20

Gary, That's just the answer I was hoping for :eusa_clap:
I hope to start the strip as soon as tomorrow (If it stops raining:rain: )and will soon have an idea of the timeline but end of January sounds ideal for when I'd be ready to put an order in.

AndyP57 1st January 2012 12:20

The Donor
Jan 1st 2012 and as it stopped raining for a few minutes, I popped outside to take a few photos of the donor as delivered.
I really had to make a hard decision whether to restore it to its former glory as a Mk 2 2Ltr Vitesse or start stripping to become a Sammio Spyder. The Spyder won hands down but I'm hoping to put some of the nicer body parts into the hands of a Vitesse restorer.
Watch this space!

Mister Towed 1st January 2012 12:31

That looks to be in great shape for a 43 year old car and I really like the colour too. Do you know what it's called or the paint code?

Must've set you back a fair bit unless you were very lucky...

Any hidden horrors lurking underneath the shiny bits though?

AndyP57 1st January 2012 12:46

I'm not sure what the colour is but if you could guide me to where the paint code is on the vehicle I'll certainly have a look (Not sure if it's 'Cherry' on the link: )
I've not started looking too deep yet but on a first walk round, I'm impressed and hope the deeper inspection doesn't turn up anything nasty. I'm currently feeling lucky as it came to me at a grand with a spare (!) Engine and Gearbox which I've yet to collect.

Psycho pops 1st January 2012 12:50

Hi Andy
I know only too well that guilty decision that has to be made, restore or use as you intended, I too slept on it for a night before I made my mind up Sammio won hands down,
E bay fetches a lot of the initial outlay back and I guess goes toward restoring others that would other wise be lost.

Welcome to the madhouse and good luck.

Mister Towed 1st January 2012 13:27

Paint code should be on the commission plate located on the passenger side of the bulkhead just behind the front wheel.

Useful link btw, looks like yours could be Cherry or Burgundy from the examples given.

If the condition of your panels is as good as they look in the pics you should get most of your grand back if not more. My bonnet sold to a chap who'd had his daily-driver Herald 13/60 bonnet crunched by an uninsured teenage driver a couple of days before the auction ended and he was desperate to get his pride 'n' joy back on the road. I've never seen anybody look so pleased with an ebay purchase when he collected it.

Just so you've got something to compare yours with here's a picture of mine before I started stripping it:

The decision for me to convert mine to a Sammio was easy as I bought the Vitesse with that intention in the first place. I also don't find the Herald/Vitesse to be a particularly attractive design personally, while Gary's take on the fifties sports racing car really floats my boat.

The clincher for me has been uncovering the bodged repairs that had been made to the chassis of a solid looking 'classic' however. It wouldn't have taken much to get it through the mot which would have left me unknowingly driving a potential death-trap.

Anyway, enjoy the challenge and I look forward to seeing your build progress.

mulberry 1st January 2012 13:56

Heck Andy That Car Is Far To Good To Chop Up.......take It Apart Bolt By Bolt......another Win For Sammio I Reckon.........

lancelot link 1st January 2012 14:30

Pretty car Andy......

Whats it they say ....'' you gotta crack eggs to make Omelettes'' or something like that.
Some people like eggs ....I'm an omelette man myself !!

Ebay and club forums etc will get you a fair chunk back ...good Vitesse bonnets can make 2/3/500 a time , those wheel trims and ally bumper trims etc will get a decent return as well....

AndyP57 1st January 2012 17:31

Second Step:
Deposit put down on a Sammio!
Cheers Gary

garyh 1st January 2012 17:50

I should've spent more....
Just like mine, Andy.:eusa_liar:

lancelot link 2nd January 2012 14:32


Originally Posted by AndyP57 (Post 25548)
Second Step:
Deposit put down on a Sammio!
Cheers Gary


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