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davecymru 16th July 2012 15:42

A glut of summer Sammio Sales!
While randomly browsing fleabay i typed in Sammio, expecting to see 1 possibly for sale along with some bits-n-bobs.

But i was a bit taken aback to see 3 completed cars and 2 rolling chassis up for sale!

It would seem that Mulberry, GazDavies, plus one other i've not seen before in Grimsby are all in the process of changing hands!

All i note are 1200/1300cc models, so i've still yet to see a 2L be sold!

Good luck to you on your sales guys and hopefully the sun comes out on the viewing day as i know that'll make all the difference!


Mister Towed 16th July 2012 17:04

I'll not be selling mine. I'm aiming to be buried in it. :hippie: Going to need a few extra pallbearers though...

lancelot link 16th July 2012 18:16

Dave thickens ...Is going to be putting his Vitesse based example up for sale soon....

lancelot link 16th July 2012 22:21

Possibly worth mentioning to any lurkers or guests viewing from an ebay link ....The green example from Grimsby sits on its own customer built home made frame....

Thats not a statement dissing it , I haven't seen it , it could be equal or better than a factory frame , just giving some background to the car....Jason bought a body only from us and decided to produce his own frame.

There is a video on youtube or similar of Gaz's red car driving along that may be of interest to any potential buyers as well....

Haven't seen Mulberry's car in the flesh ( maroon example ) so can't comment other than Gary has access to some pretty impressive tooling and equipment and I am sure thats reflected in the cars build quality...certainly looks nicely turned out.

oxford1360 17th July 2012 07:14

Being dim
Am I being dim, but are people building with the intention to sell? Or, are they just addicted to building (like Trevor :icon_smile:)

I can understand selling if there is a change in circumstances, but a high proportion of cars seem to go soon after completion.

Like Mr T, I intend to be buried in mine (to confuse archaeologists of the future).

WorldClassAccident 17th July 2012 07:41

Mr Towed , Oxford1360 - If you have no intention of selling then put yours on Ebay for £15,000 - £20,000 with a load of text describing the exquisite styling and noble heritage.

You won't get buyers but you might drive the price up for the others.

It worked for Zonda. Original price was £2-300,000 from memory but sales only really went up once he raised the price closer to the £1M

AndyP57 17th July 2012 07:42

I get the feeling it's a bit of both reasons. For some, after building and enjoying one, the thought often occurs that if they were to 'do it again' they would do some parts differently and would probably take a shorter time getting to their aim since the brick walls have already been overcome once. Others have a desire to build a different model, maybe a Spyder builder now wants doors and the ability to build on a newer donor such as a Spitfire. Building and selling the first can, and usually will, fund the second pass at a build.

davecymru 17th July 2012 09:38

I'm the first to admit that i've built my Spyder to keep as an ongoing project, which is why i chose the 2L as a base as that gives me my 'ideal' engine and every time i think about doing another Sammio i just think that i've actually already gone for all the 'best' bits that i would want anyway, so for the time being I'll stick with mine :)

But things change!

Mine is now built, on the road and I'm really starting to get confident with it. But i know that i want to re-do the bonnet, re-do the interior wall cards and overhaul the engine and a few other things. And those are are lined up for this winter, and possibly next?


In the meantime i have started liking some of the 3 wheeler kits that are out there and as everyone who knows me knows, i really want a Countach! And i keep wondering, if one did crop up at the right price would i sell/part-ex the Spyder? Quite possibly, who knows!

oxford1360 17th July 2012 09:50

I was going to fit the Vitesse uprights and brakes that I have in the workshop, but a friend said, "If you do that now, what will you have to do when the car is finished!?!"
I hope mine will be an ongoing project. I'm starting with a sensible engine, but am stockpiling the components for something exciting in the long-term.

Mister Towed 17th July 2012 10:14


Originally Posted by oxford1360 (Post 33071)
Like Mr T, I intend to be buried in mine (to confuse archaeologists of the future).

Ha ha, I like your thinking. Tony Robinson et al will still draw their own conclusions from the 'evidence' they uncover anyway...

WorldClassAccident 17th July 2012 10:18

I originally bought a TVR to convert into a G46 but then bought a field find Scimitar and am using that instead. This leaves me a TVR wedge if I get the itch again, a spare Scimi engine and box to maintain the first G46 and I have found someone with a load of P5 Rovers, all 3.5s models if i get the itch for more...

Mister Towed 17th July 2012 10:30


Originally Posted by WorldClassAccident (Post 33073)
Mr Towed , Oxford1360 - If you have no intention of selling then put yours on Ebay for £15,000 - £20,000 with a load of text describing the exquisite styling and noble heritage.

You won't get buyers but you might drive the price up for the others.

It worked for Zonda. Original price was £2-300,000 from memory but sales only really went up once he raised the price closer to the £1M

Yes, that's how it works sometimes. I did some management courses at Bristol University a few years back and the main lecturer also ran his own freelance business consultancy. One of the people he'd advised was an artist who wanted to sell his own work from a gallery, and who it was suggested should also act as an agent for other aspiring artists. A couple of the questions the artist had asked were 'how much do I charge for a piece of artwork?' and 'what do I do if it doesn't sell?' The answers were 'charge what you think someone might pay' and 'if it doesn't sell after a month, put it in the basement for a month then put it back on display for double what you were asking.' After a year in business the artist reported back that the gallery was doing well, but that he often had to double the price of a painting four or five times before someone would buy it.

I've tried this practice on ebay once or twice when something failed to sell - put the price up and pitch it again and it's worked just fine every time. :shocked:

If I do ever decide to sell my Spyder it will be for a six figure sum. :whoo:

WorldClassAccident 17th July 2012 11:06

It was also the business model Stella Artois used when they failed on their original launch as a bargain mass market lager.

Nike55 17th July 2012 15:26

- Niche Marketing. Sir John Harvey-Jones used the practice quite often as a marketing tool. The opposite would be to pile it high and sell it cheap, but it doesn't necessarily work in all cases....

Things do change that may cause people to sell - like sudden lack of job, career change, or loss of space.

Mister Towed 18th July 2012 15:39

Green one just failed to sell at £2,651.

donnysoutherner 18th July 2012 23:30

I hate to be a party pooper but I'm thinking the £5-6k prices people are putting up are, shall we say, a little hopeful??? Have any actually sold at this level? £3-4k seems more realistic in a crowded kit car market. We all know that completed kit cars are usually worth less than the sum of the parts.

Build a car to get buried in it, build lots of cars if (like me) you just like doing it. The wife rightly points out it keeps me close by and it's cheaper than playing golf.

Building cars to make any kind of profit (or even break even)? Nice idea. Good luck with that. Just ask John Delorean!

donnysoutherner 18th July 2012 23:35

And before any smartarse points it out, I know you can't actually ask John Delorean.

Mister Towed 19th July 2012 07:49


Originally Posted by donnysoutherner (Post 33125)
And before any smartarse points it out, I know you can't actually ask John Delorean.

I know a medium who might disagree...

On the subject of prices realised, like art, an old car/kit car/Koenigsegg is worth what someone is prepared to stump up for it. In addition to building cars I do a bit of metal detecting and I once found a small silver coin minted by the Earl of Northumberland during the Angevin civil war of the mid 1100's. It was a penny, 17mm across that had been cut in half to make a halfpenny for small change. The intrinsic value of the silver would be about 25p, but it was extremely rare. At auction it made £750 because a couple of wealthy collectors really wanted it.

I also recall an article in a kit car mag in the eighties where a chap with a 718 RSK replica he'd built for £5k had been hailed down by a young guy with red braces and a Countach. He offered twenty grand on the spot for it (enough to buy a decent two bed semi at the time) even after the owner explained it was a beetle in a party frock. IMHO I don't think people are asking anywhere near enough for their Spyders - the starting price should be in five figures if you want people with money to take notice. :)

Mister Towed 19th July 2012 08:22

I'm sure this link has been posted before, but it does make the point -

Now there's a used car salesman with ambition...

WorldClassAccident 19th July 2012 08:26

141,000 and the dashboard doesn't even look as good as mine will!


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