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Ferg 15th April 2007 09:03

Copyright Issue

When I contribute to this forum I don't expect my words to provide OTHER publishers with copy to sell.

Will you sue, John, or shall I???

Fuoriserie 15th April 2007 09:28


Originally Posted by Ferg (Post 7200)

When I contribute to this forum I don't expect my words to provide OTHER publishers with copy to sell.

Will you sue, John, or shall I???

Nahhhhhhhhh......:), how much were you thinking of.....:D

JG 15th April 2007 15:40

Where was that pubished then Ferg?


Ferg 15th April 2007 17:07

Complete Which Kit Car? (Delete to form current name)

I got it at Detling and I think it's cheeky in the extreme. Obviously if YOU chose to allow them to quote it then fair dos, it's your Forum and I'm grateful that you allow me and all these other KitCar Saddos to use it. But if they didn't ask you..... well.....

JG 15th April 2007 17:19

Hi Ferg,

No they didn't ask.

From a selfish point of view I like to see Madabout's name in print and the more exposure the merrier, but it would have been the right thing to ask your permission as they are directly quoting you.

If they had approached me I would have forwarded it onto you for authorisation.

In what context are the quotes being used? is it a new feature of the mag, ie kitcar chat monthly roundup or something?


Ex-Biker 16th April 2007 09:14

I realise what is said on a public forum is for anyone to read, but I'm pretty sure it's copyright belongs to the forum.

It would be polite to ask.

I know that some magazine forums then use extracts in the magazine itself. I can see no issue with that.

The bonus I see here (sorry Ferg) is that Madabout gets noticed by Complete Kit Car readers and therefore gets more traffic etc.

Anyway Ferg, at least they thought your words worthy of print!

I am not taking either side on this issue

AdamCKC 16th April 2007 13:22

Our understanding of the copyright law is that it's perfectly OK to quote anything that's in the public domain as long as it's kept in the correct context and it's clear where the quote has come from. "Have I Got News For You?" quotes newspapers and politicians throughout every episode and there are plenty of other examples of it happening elsewhere in the media.

It was never my intention to annoy anyone with the 'From The Forums' section of News. To the contrary - it's just one of the ways in which we are trying to give kit car enthusiasts a voice in the mag, rather than just hearing the voices of Complete Kit Car's staff. In this instance, that's backfired a little and clearly hasn't generated the positive vibes I intended. Ferg, you're right - legal or not, out of courtesy I should have asked your permission before committing your comments to print and it's something I will make my policy in future. We learn from our mistakes!

We had lots of positive feedback on the fresh start Ian, Justin and I are making with CKC. Causing this kind of controversy on forums is most definitely not what we're about!

Oh, and since this is my first post on Madabout, hello!

(Features Ed, Complete Kit Car)

Ex-Biker 16th April 2007 14:24

Welcome Adam.

Thank you for having the courtesy to address the issue directly.

New mag is looking good.

Ferg 16th April 2007 16:57

Mark, you have a PM winging it's way..............

JG 16th April 2007 20:46

Thanks Adam for replying directly (and Hi)

I havn't seen the quote directly but if it's as you say a roundup of forum views/opinions then my first reaction is 'nice idea', it's something that could stimulate further discussions on said forums.

I don't know the legal standpoint, what you say sounds reasonable as you are only showing a snippet and quoting the source. If you are going to seek the authors permission from now on then I think that is a commendable stance (and the right thing to do).

Cheers, John

DeeJayHarry 17th April 2007 23:59

I checked the other websites quoted, and Ktim or Paul have no issues with CKC. I, personally, would be chuffed if my words were thought to be of such value to pass on to others. Isn’t that why we post up??

There is always the PM message service that avoids the public domain.

I am aware that there has been a little “local difficulty” regarding the Mags. And, really, "Ain't bovvered?""does my face look bovvered?"
Will I get sued by the telly? Look! Bovvered? Bovvered I am not:drama:

We did something with Ian and Adam to help launch the revamped CKC and found them to be thoroughly professional, totally dedicated to the kit car scene and for all you car nuts out there.

I also acquired a copy of the Cobra magazine by default (It was left on our stand):argue: Why the vitriol? :confused: :confused:
If it was yours Ferg? I will gladly return it.

Kit Cars are mainly (expensive) hobbies for us lesser mortals, and as such, should be fun, a bit of a crack, a laugh and good way of meeting other people with petrol in their veins.

The species (Anulus Retentum) do have a presence, which is unfortunate, but best ignored in favour of all the bruised knuckles and cut fingers that created the examples on show at Detling!

Best fun I’ve had wiv me trousers on and a spanner in me hand, was changing a Beetle starter motor at 5pm on Sat with the Ferrari 355 team urging me on. :) Then going down the pub:eusa_clap:


Ferg 18th April 2007 10:48


Originally Posted by DeeJayHarry (Post 7258)
I checked the other websites quoted, and Ktim or Paul have no issues with CKC. I, personally, would be chuffed if my words were thought to be of such value to pass on to others. Isn’t that why we post up??

I post for a variety of reasons, but always to specific forums on specific threads. In the same way that if I wrote to a newspaper I wouldn't expect it to appear in a different newspaper( perhaps one I wouldn't want to be associated with), I don't like the idea of my words being featured in places other than where I am happy with.


Originally Posted by DeeJayHarry (Post 7258)
There is always the PM message service that avoids the public domain.

John, would you rather that I keep my postings on the Private Messages system??? I'm sure I can cope with that.

I have received two apologies from CKC and Ian and I have put the matter 'to bed'.

kitcarman 18th April 2007 14:12


Originally Posted by DeeJayHarry (Post 7258)
I also acquired a copy of the Cobra magazine by default (It was left on our stand):argue: Why the vitriol? :confused: :confused:

Hi Harry,
Approximately 2,000 copies of Cobra were sold at the gate of the show (it contained the show-guide), so it probably wasn’t Ferg’s copy.

It was clearly vitriolic toward Peter Fibly. However, it was the first volume of Cobra since Peter ‘resigned’. His departure was clearly newsworthy to its readers: especially as many of the past arguments have concerned the technical merits of certain Cobra kits.

I didn’t think it was that vitriolic towards CKC and, even if it was, it’s the last I have to say on the subject in general terms. There may well be more to say on the Python in the future, but that’s another story.

As to CKC: I’m pleased that we finally have honest, honourable and hard-working competition once again. Their new approach has already started to raise the standards of all the publications. That’s good for us all!



andy 19th April 2007 08:21

Have to agree with Ferg, I'd not like to be quoted with my name associated to the quote unless I knew about it first.... its hard enough to get the context right as it is.

Not withstanding I think its a great idea to use the quotes in the mag though, I've been impressed with the new CKC mag as I have even started buying the kit mags.

DeeJayHarry 21st April 2007 22:32

Hiya Den,
Sounds like you had a busy ol' weekend then:nod: We did!
Best Detlin' I've done.
Will drop by and say hello:yo: at Stones
Cobra's a damn good read an'all :icon_wink:
Best regards

keithice 30th April 2007 17:04

new member
I understand what has been said about the original copyright issue above,
however, what it did do is bring your site to my attention (for better or worse). I did not know either you guys or the locost websites existed, (I never thought to look) Dumb I know but I am fairly new to this computer type stuff. So I've been nattering to my fellow builders on the AOC website without giving it a thought. Anyway I am here now! keithice

JG 30th April 2007 17:22

Welcome to the forum Keithice, at least you found us eventually :tea:


Ex-Biker 1st May 2007 12:49


Originally Posted by keithice (Post 7466)
I understand what has been said about the original copyright issue above,
however, what it did do is bring your site to my attention (for better or worse). I did not know either you guys or the locost websites existed, (I never thought to look) Dumb I know but I am fairly new to this computer type stuff. So I've been nattering to my fellow builders on the AOC website without giving it a thought. Anyway I am here now! keithice

More the merrier!

Welcome aboard

keithice 1st May 2007 19:35


Originally Posted by Ex-Biker (Post 7486)
More the merrier!

Welcome aboard

thanks for the welcome!!! keith:rockon:

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