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zxrjon 5th June 2020 16:27

getting a chassis pre checked??
Hello all,
I'm building my own chassis for a car and wondered if anyone knew of someone or an authority that can go over it and check, pull faults to put right etc before I make my jig, so that I know everything is as it should be.
I know what I'm doing, and generally go overboard with what I'm doing, but I want to know that they will be good for IVA and registering.
I'm asking here as I'm sure someone will know on here.
Thanks in advance

Mister Towed 6th June 2020 07:30

Hi Jon, I've been scratching my head over this as the DVLA website takes you down a rabbit hole of links that go nowhere if you try to find the relevant information on getting a chassis vin number prior to IVA inspection.

The best I could find was in this link -

Section 8 says 'To get a VIN stamped on the vehicle you will need to
contact a garage or motor dealer that provides this service.'

That suggests to me that there are designated garages/dealers that can inspect your chassis and allocate it a vin number. Once you have that then you'll be able to apply for an IVA inspection for the completed car.

I'd start by ringing round local MOT testers and ask them if they provide that service or know someone who does.

Good luck!

zxrjon 6th June 2020 10:08

That is greatly appreciated, Mister Towed, and answers a couple of other questions I've been pondering.
What I'm after at the moment is a service where someone can come around and check the integrity and structure of the complete and welded chassis.
I'm triangulating and putting gussets in etc, but before I go any further, is there an organising body that can 'sign it off' or give advice to any further bits needed?
I'd like this to happen before I fit the engine so I'm not having to take that out to do something I may have missed.
The order in which I am intending to do things are:

Finish welding chassis
Turn in to rolling chassis
Have a pre-check/sign off mentioned above
Fit engine, wiring etc to have a running, driving and stopping chassis
Get VIN assigned
Fit body and lighting etc
Get MOT'd
Get registered

I will fall in to category 5 Kit Conversion
I'm building my own Uni body chassis for the cockpit and adding the running gear, engine, suspension, brakes etc from a donor vehicle, and then my own fiberglass body.

Lucky@LeMans 6th June 2020 10:34

Perhaps get hold of the IVA regulations and go through them to fully understand what is required. I assume you have a good engineering and fabrication background, that will go along way to building a compliant car.
You could contact your local IVA testing centre and have a chat with the examiner. Whilst I haven't put a car through IVA I did put several through SVA. All I can say is they are very thorough and go through every aspect of the regulations in fine detail !

zxrjon 6th June 2020 11:17

Thanks Lucky@LeMans. Not quite what I'm asking though.
If we could keep answers to what I'm asking please.
I'm fully aware of the IVA's thoroughness, and fully support it, and am also aware of what is required.
IVA document is with me in PDF and hard copy and nothing apparent to get a check.
IVA centers, Norwich is my closest, are currently closed til the end of June due to Corona Virus.
I've spoken to a very nice lady at the DVLA IVA center and she has drawn a blank, hence asking on here.

Please don't find my reply derisive, I'm just the kind of person that likes a straight answer, to a straight question being asked.

What I'm after is an independent specialist to go over my chassis, and get their opinion and help to build the safest and best chassis possible before I build the car up.

I'm good... very good at what I do, and I understand what needs doing... but I'm not a specialist.

I would like said specialist's input.
Thank you

Lucky@LeMans 6th June 2020 15:55

I'm sure a few of on here would be happy to pop round and offer our advice and opinions. Just put the kettle on , tea , white and 5 sugars please !

zxrjon 6th June 2020 15:57


Originally Posted by Lucky@LeMans (Post 104407)
I'm sure a few of on here would be happy to pop round and offer our advice and opinions. Just put the kettle on , tea , white and 5 sugars please !

That would be brilliant and most welcomed.

Lucky@LeMans 6th June 2020 16:07

There are several forum members on here from the Norwich area, I'm sure they could offer some help.
I don't know of any specific specialists as such, you could ask some of the mainstream kit manufacturers perhaps.
It sounds like you're pretty well advanced with your design, I would think key areas such as seat belt mountings, design weights and such will be the most important areas to concentrate on.
Is your project a one off or do you intend to offer kits/ turn keys cars etc ?

redratbike 6th June 2020 17:27

In the old days you used to be able to get a motor engineer to sign things off as road worthy .... engineers report it was called I’m sure ??

Or am I dreaming

Lucky@LeMans 6th June 2020 17:39

In the old days you only needed to get an MOT and you would be issued with a "Q" plate. You could put just about anything on the road from a shed to a sofa !

Mister Towed 7th June 2020 06:51


Originally Posted by zxrjon (Post 104406)

What I'm after is an independent specialist to go over my chassis, and get their opinion and help to build the safest and best chassis possible before I build the car up.

Okay, try these guys.

zxrjon 11th June 2020 13:58

After sending out emails to ask advice, the general response is:

Unfortunately we are going to be unable to offer our help due to the current situation, we are extremely busy at present and down on staff and feel we have no spare time to help with your project at this time.

We wish you well for the future

The above is a copy and paste of one of the replies, which to be honest, is what I expected from any other kit/chassis maker as they will no doubt see me as a competitor for business.

I will keep trying.

When I'm ready to announce these cars, i will put up a separate thread revealing all.

Phaeton 11th June 2020 18:58

No idea if they can help but a quick Google finds if they cannot help maybe they can reccomend somebody

zxrjon 12th June 2020 17:33


Originally Posted by Phaeton (Post 104460)
No idea if they can help but a quick Google finds if they cannot help maybe they can reccomend somebody

Thank you very much for that Phaeton. I will call them Monday

Paul L 13th June 2020 05:14

zxrjon – If you have no luck with engineering companies, how about universities / colleges?

Perhaps someone who teaches engineering could help?

They might even be able to use it as a project for their students to test / learn from.

Good luck, Paul. :)

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