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Old 19th July 2020, 06:18
Mick O'Malley Mick O'Malley is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2012
Posts: 846
Mick O'Malley is on a distinguished road
Talking Getting There

My new SS front brake hoses arrived in the week and, given the hoops I've had to jump through, it was with some trepidation that I set about fitting them. This turned out to be a doddle as I'd only gently nipped up their predecessor's attachments.. The moment of truth arrived and turning the steering from lock to lock revealed that they are plenty long enough. My delight was rather tempered by the back of the nearside wheel hitting the body on full left lock. I'd already (years ago!) fitted lock limiting hose clips to both ends of the rack, it seems another is required - more evidence of the body's asymmetry. Here are the shiny new bits in situ. Excuse crap photo', an orb web spider had spun between the cover and the cave roof necessitating delicate uncovering and gymnastic contortion.

I spent a couple of hours on You Tube yesterday learning the techniques of machine sewing vinyl which resulted in a burst of Ebay activity. Teflon foot, special needle, strong thread and correct machine lubricant are on their way.

Regards, Mick

Last edited by Mick O'Malley; 19th July 2020 at 06:19.. Reason: Typo.
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