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Old 21st December 2020, 21:25
Lucky@LeMans Lucky@LeMans is offline
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The powder coaters are taking the chassis next week and it should be back before new year. I've welded in steel floor pans with a 3" drop. Even being 18swg steel they seem to have added a fair bit of weight to the chassis. I used the equivalent of a 2m x 1m sheet to make the floors which is around 20KG. Probably a drop in the ocean compared to the Scimitar body. Each part of that was heavy, the bulkhead section alone being a two man lift !
I'm half way through cleaning up the suspension components which is all simple stuff and they will be ready to go back on the chassis when it comes back.

Last edited by Lucky@LeMans; 21st December 2020 at 21:31..
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