Thread: Dutton Dementia
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Old 21st September 2022, 08:53
Mick O'Malley Mick O'Malley is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2012
Posts: 846
Mick O'Malley is on a distinguished road
Default I love the smell of Fertan in the morning...

After nine days of displacement activity, which included buying a Mk II Cortina fuel tank (as recommended by TD-W), I yesterday opened a can of motivation and buckled down to some rear end suspension work. I gently jacked up the nearside of the frame until I judged the tension had been taken out of the spring, and set to removing the drop links. They provided nil resistance as I'd long since given all foreseeable fixings a good dousing in dismantling liquid. I drifted out the old bushes then thoroughly wire brushed the eyes and drop links and gave them a coat of Fertan. I'd always used Kurust until I learned that Classic Land Rover owners swore by the former. Nuff said!

It can immediately be seen that the front eye then provided much stiffer resistance... The eye bolt came out easily - its nut is captive to the frame - but the bush's location is masked both ends by it. OK, I'll have to axle stand either the frame or the axle and jack the other until access to the bush is achieved. However, the shock absorber scuppered this plan so I set to removing same. The top was easy but the limited bottom clearance prevented a decent swing of the hammer onto the bolt end. OK, off with the wheel, spacer, shoes etc, then the back plate and half shaft. The bottom bolt steadfastly refused to budge despite blacksmith blows from my lump hammer so I decided to cut off the shocker at its bottom neck, then disc through the bolt. Hurrah, off at last!

I then fashioned a puller from threaded rod, nuts, washers and my biggest socket, purchased forty odd years ago for Mini top swivels, which succeeded in dragging out the metal centre of the bush. By this time the cave was like an oven so I called it a day. I'm sure the other side will prove much easier with the experience gained!

Regards, Mick
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