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Old 13th May 2023, 16:36
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MartinClan MartinClan is offline
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Front suspension rebuild has moved on to fitting the hubs. At this stage I was feeling fairly smug with the bargain triumph wire wheel adapters I had bought from Ebay as a trial fit seemed to be good.
However when I came to fit them properly I found they didn't (fit). The hub casting, where the grease cap fitted, fouled the inside of the adapter. "Easily" fixed by some heavy duty filing. I then found that the wheel studs have a large shoulder on them, great for centering the wire wheel adapter, but unfortunately preventing the nuts securing the adapter to be screwed fully home. Hmmm. after some head scratching I made a thin, 1mm, spacer which did the trick. now everthing fits OK :-).
So the front suspension is pretty much complete and I would have a rolling chassis - if my wheels had any tyres on them,
Some pictures....
hub_before by Robin Martin, on Flickr

hub_and_spacer by Robin Martin, on Flickr

front_suspension1 by Robin Martin, on Flickr
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