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Old 2nd February 2009, 13:16
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GreatOldOne GreatOldOne is offline
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Looking good, Robin - Still haven't cut mine yet.

a) It's been too cold
b) I'm getting paranoid about the placement. I don't have the padded dash surround, or the 'A' pillar bodywork covers. So I can't be sure that the scuttle top is aligned, and as that could mean stretching the fiberglass, and I have no idea where the fixing holes will be.

I have been toying with the idea of making my own dash surround though, out of wood like the green car in the side exhaust thread... But it would need to be the same width as the doors and door cappings, and as I don't have those either...

I'm just going to have to wait, aren't I, until I can order some more bits from Marlin. Bah.
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