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Old 9th February 2009, 22:10
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Originally Posted by Rich View Post
excellent, thanks for the pictures.

Had a look our wiper moves 110 degrees, so looks as though we will need to find a different gear box.. wooo
If you can fit the wiper blades as near to the passenger side of the car as possible and with very little gap between them, you might get a slighltly larger arc. You can also go slightly higher up the screen but I sit quite low in my car so tend to be looking through the lower half of the windscreen so I have mounted my blades as low down as I can.
I can move mine to the right by extending the arms but that moves them up the screen as well.
As Mike suggest you could go a little closer to the screen but my middle wheel box is only a few mm away from the rubber strip.
I drilled my spindle holes 12cm from the edge of the dashboard edge of scuttle at the top of the 'eyebrows' (if you know what I mean?) However, this also depnds on where exactly you cut the slots for the windscreen so that may vary from car to car.

I would have assumed that Marlin would have supplied a motor and gearbox with the right ratio? I bought mine off eBay so was expecting to have to change the wheel.

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