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Old 14th January 2011, 20:17
speedy123 speedy123 is offline
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hi again, lil too out my price range at the moment but very interested, me and my mate wanna go in on a project together so this seems like an easy one to start with, so would really wanna get the basics so gonna look for a triumph and then will get back to you, but wanna know some things 1st, can the triumph be a convertible one? cuz they seem to be cheaper for some reason?
what do you get when you buy the kit? not regards to kit contents i.e body panels.
but I mean do you get a in depth build giude, or a dvd or summit?
also when you register it as having a body change is that all you need to do?
and are there any other engine options availible for the chassis of a herald or vitesse?
thanks for your help
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