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Old 2nd April 2012, 08:24
marcus944 marcus944 is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2012
Posts: 12
marcus944 is on a distinguished road

hi just to keep yous updated i have spoke to chris at the pelland website about the ryder royale and this was his reply

Hi Mark

Thanks for your email. If you do have a Ryder Royale then you have a very rare car as there was only twelve cars produced in total. The car originated in the USA and was introduced to the UK around 1980ish. It was essentially a Morgan replica but originally based on VW Beetle mechanicals. Rob Ryder of Ryder Designs acquired the project as a stablemate to the Ryder Rembrandt, (Pelland Sports). There was nothing really wrong with the car...quality moulding and panel fit but it was around when kit car manufacturers were turning away from the VW as a donor and looking towards the Vaxhall Viva and Ford Cortina as short it was outdated. Ryder Designs folded and the project along with the Rembrandt was sold to Grahams Autos up in Gateshead. GA did very little with the project...poor marketing and massively under-funded. whilst the Rembrandt eventually ended up with Listair and became the Dash, the Royale passed from hand to hand becoming the Sabre Cars Royale and latterly the Montreaux. The last version of the Royale was re-jigged and used Viva HC didn't sell and dropped out of sight pretty quickly.

This is the only info I have I'm pictures unfortunately...hope this is of some help.

Regards Chris
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