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Old 20th May 2012, 14:01
Nike55 Nike55 is offline
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Well I don't wish your local colleague any harm but tell him to get in the queue behind Patrice and me!

I appreciate Gary has had some issues getting the launch of the Cordite out of the way and Stoneleigh, but I sent my Scimitar down to him in February for the re-body and I'm still waiting....still in the great scheme of things three months isn't very long..

I wasn't convinced I could get the cutting/fitting/bonding right. However having seen a certain build thread featuring a certain G46 being de-constructed and re-constituted with a v8, (nice work by the way) I have no doubts that I could have tackled this myself. Sadly I misjudged the length of time this out sourced element of the build would take.

I shot myself in the foot a bit as I was keen for Gary to strip my donor and fit the body (to ensure all was correct and speed up the build) as I had given a deposit to the guys at GOME for entry to the London to Athens run in September, and was hopeful that it might generate some continental business for Gary (20 countries in 10 days) if not for the G46 (now on his back burner) then for the Spyder or Cordite, unfortunately even if the car was available to collect now I couldn't finish in time, so I'm a bit disappointed. I gave myself a deadline, which is now passed, so I'm having to withdraw from the tour. Still it now means I will be able to spend a little more time and money on the car when it does become available.

I'm a fairly relaxed and laid back individual and know if it all goes horribly wrong I always have recourse to legal action, although I doubt if that will be necessary. I've seen comments made on other web sites regarding these types of delays, especially where deposits are taken and people can get a bit ratty with each other, but its usually just lack of communication.

As a customer of what must be described as the 'alternative motoring scene', we're not talking about giving a deposit to the Ford main dealer and awaiting next day delivery.

Gary has promised me that the body is now constructed and will be given a trial fitting shortly...

Meanwhile I'm getting very restless as I want to crack on, and seeing other peoples builds on here is great in some ways (ideas and short cuts) but in other respects a bit depressing...!

(Are you planning to allow a mould or two to be pulled off yours? it has everything going for it that the G46 v6 Mk1 doesn't - according to some!)

Look forward to more pictures of the build.
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