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Old 20th June 2012, 10:52
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davecymru davecymru is offline
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davecymru is on a distinguished road

Seeing as the sun is out i thought I'd use the Spyder for the commute today

And even more exciting (at least for me!) i decided to do the 'normal' commute with the 30miles of Motorway in the middle. Although i will be taking the scenic way home across the Mendips and down Cheddar Gorge to end

Now that I'm more comfortable with the car, i cruised at normal motorway speeds and only two times did i have moments of blind panic due to unusual noise/shaking. But those were both due to changes in road surface or "other stuff" and i guess that one side effect of Sammio building/driving is that you really are very aware of every noise and rattle !

I've also decided to adopt the Jaguar XK Enthusiasts Club parking method today!
This was partly on purpose and partly as i was so on edge when i arrived and so many people were staring out of the windows i just wanted to park and run

I now have a constantly updating weather forecast displaying on my 2nd monitor and i've briefed people that i may be off early if "rain stops play"
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