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Old 16th September 2012, 08:46
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Originally Posted by Sorton View Post
Very interested in your new project, Peter. I have always liked the look of the Sabre and wonder if you have seen this site

I assume ACL took over the kit but have no idea if they are still going. If they are they may have made some progress on the use of BMW parts.

Hi Sorton,
thanks for your positive comments. Like you, my wife and I have often commented on how stylish these cars look.

Yes, I am aware of the new company who re-launched the Royale Sabre at Stoneliegh back in May of this year (2012). I had a quick look at their demonstrator at that show (with a Ford Zetec Engine), but to be honest was not seriously considering it as an option at that time.

Stonleigh National Kitcar Show - 2012 by marlinpeter, on Flickr

Stonleigh National Kitcar Show - 2012 by marlinpeter, on Flickr

The company is run by a guy called Malcolm Badger ( a member of the ROC, who obtained the rights to the Sabre in 2011 ) but I've not yet spoken to Malcolm about my project. I'm not aware if they have sold any new kits yet and their website has not been updated with any new info since just after the Stoneliegh show. I was hoping to take a closer look at Donnington but they didn't exhibit at that show.


P.S. their car was looking a lot nicer than mine
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