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Old 24th December 2012, 12:33
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Mister Towed Mister Towed is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2011
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Mister Towed is on a distinguished road

Some simple advice for anyone buying anything from anyone operating out of a small industrial unit anywhere, especially kit cars:

1/ Buyer beware - I've previously got as far as signing a large cheque for a speedster body just as the official receiver turned up to seize the company's assets. Thankfully I hadn't sent it.

2/ Don't pay in advance, well, not in full anyway. Negotiate a modest deposit in order to minimise your losses should the seller do a runner or go under.

3/ Pay the balance on collection/delivery once you're satisfied with the goods.

4/ Where possible pay by credit card for costly items - you're then protected by their rules and regs and can get your money back from the credit card company if necessary.

5/ If you're owed money don't sit on your hands for months/years, do something about it. A personal visit for smaller sums (worked for me with the tonneau that never arrived) or a solicitors letter/small claims court action for larger amounts should see results. Remember, the squeaky wheel gets the oil.

I'm sorry if that all sounds a bit obvious with hindsight, but it makes sense to me.

Anyway, Merry Christmas to all Sammio customers, satisfied or otherwise!