Thread: Sad day guys
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Old 5th April 2013, 22:35
Nike55 Nike55 is offline
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Nike55 is on a distinguished road

Sorry to hear of your situation - been there and it does get a bit dark sometimes, which is why some of my 'witty' remarks seem a bit acid to some - classic overcompensation on my part.

I know what you mean about the job situation and it hurts seeing the level of incompetence, shallowness, inconsideration and lack of courtesy shown by almost everyone out there.

I've been lucky enough to get some casual work at a local hospital at odd times, a day or two here and there every few weeks - its not much but it keeps me same, ironically I now have all the time in the world to build a car...

There is life out there - and there are still a few decent people about, if you can find them - keep trying.

You might get a better offer on e-bay for the parts, especially as its apparently 'spring'.
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