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Old 18th November 2013, 18:39
Scottie22 Scottie22 is offline
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Scottie22 is on a distinguished road

Yeah tonyt is spot on there.

A lot of people know that an NI plate is just that,
and has to be in the modern white / yellow colours.
You are allowed to make your car look "older" (not newer!!)
by fitting older plates, so your best bet is to go online on all the number
plate selling sites, and try to find an older plate at a reasonable price.

A 3 and a 3 would look good, but they command higher prices now.
I remember seanick said he got one for about £250, that may have been, but not now, if anyone has a 3 and 3 for £250 I'll buy it and treble my money!!
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