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Old 22nd December 2013, 12:52
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Paul L Paul L is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Wembley, London
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Paul L is on a distinguished road

Winding Down...
The weather forecast suggested that this morning would be the only dry spell of the day, so I took a chance.
I brushed some seam sealer along the "factory" joins that I had previously cleaned up, treated & primed.

This is in the centre of the dash board where the old heater used to be (photos taken over a number of days).

Sorry, just noticed today's photo is "upside down" compared to the previous two.

Plus several other seams on both the driver and passenger sides of the bulkhead.

If I have understood things correctly, the fibre glass filler will do the same job as the sealer where it covers seams/joins on the inside.
Then when I put a final coat of tetroseal / bed liner / etc. over the outside surfaces I will have the water tight finish I need.

As always, please correct me if I have got this wrong.

But for now, I switched to putting some black paint on, avoiding the areas where the seam sealer was drying.
Thankfully by the time I'd finished painting those areas, the seam sealer was ready to be painted over too.

I just needed to use a Stanley knife to help me carefully remove the masking tape.

So after the final bit of painting, I can now proudly present the bulkhead as it looks today...

Driver's Side:

Passenger Side:


I know I have been working on this bulkhead for almost two months now, but I'm happy to have finally reached this stage.

There is still a bit of work to do, but it will be on a much smaller scale compared to the previous epic repairs.
However, all that can wait a few days as I'm off in a few minutes to pull the tarpaulin over the bulkhead.
Then after a quick final tidy up, that is me done with the car and into full family Christmas mode.

Merry Christmas!
I'd like to thank everyone who has taken the time to reply to this build thread during the year.
All your feedback, suggestions, encouragement, etc. really helps me to keep plugging away at this project.

Take care, Paul.
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