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Old 21st September 2006, 08:36
coleman coleman is offline
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Hi Coleman,
>I know its true - as I said on MadAbout - I've lost money three times!
>What do you think I can do to help?
>Den Tanner B.Sc.
>MD of Kitcars Intl. Ltd. Publishers of Kit Car and Cobra Magazines.

Hello Mr Tanner, as I have already said I am not so hot with computers, hence the reason for just finding your email saying What do you think I can do to help? As you can tell I no expert that is why it is up to all of us to inform others, before they get caught. I know that if there were no manufacturers you would have no mag, but sometimes some of the reports can be more towards and advert to the company than a genuine, critical report. I am not saying that is always the case but there must have been times when you have seen things that you just cant report. Or there would be trouble made for you and your mag. I take it they have to pay for the feature. If that’s the case, they are not going to pay for something they don’t want printed. So bang goes your mag and wages. I can understand that. This is the world that we live in. face to face speaking is very hard when it is critical etc. there’s always some form of intimidation, a pressure of some form. Having said all that thankfully there are good people out there, and do good work, and that is why it is so bad when bad people take advantage of others. What could you do, you have done features on this company when in business, the glossy pictures would of helped to convince people to go and buy. Well did you do feature in your mag when they went skint? There was said to be thirty odd of us who were caught by that company, could you not investigate yourself so you know the actual facts and do a article may be this time with a glossy picture of Beilby so people know what ever name he calls his self they will know not to part with any money (sorry I joke) but you must know what I mean, may be you are scared what damage it will do to yourself and the kit car industry. Truth sometimes does hurt but so does the Beilby’s of the world. If the truth is said, then it can only be good, for every one, and its is then up to others to support the brave who stand up to these people, very few people are in a position to help, you can if you really want to. The sad truth is Beilby is already trading again out there, and no one is doing any thing about it