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Old 21st September 2006, 18:53
kitcarman kitcarman is offline
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kitcarman is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by JG
Hi Den,

It's on your old site;

Cheers, John
Emmmm… Thanks John.
The manufacturer, Vintage, has simply re-branded his old site with new, Asquith, logos.
The fact is that Asquith have taken over the Vintage product range, so I really don’t know what should be done for the best. There’s nothing to suggest that Asquith is behaving badly that I’m aware of.

Originally Posted by Ex-Biker

Manufacturers do not pay for articles in mags, only for advertising.

The only thing I can see Den being able to do, with sufficient evidence is reporting on the loss of money of people buying from this manufacturer and warning other to be cautious in the future.
Except the old manufacturer is now a new one. Innocent until proven guilty … and all that.

Originally Posted by coleman
Hello Mr Tanner….
…… it is up to all of us to inform others, before they get caught.

……. sometimes some of the reports can be more towards and advert to the company than a genuine, critical report.

……. did you do feature in your mag when they went skint? There was said to be thirty odd of us who were caught by that company, could you not investigate yourself so you know the actual facts and do a article may be this time with a glossy picture of Beilby so people know what ever name he calls his self they will know not to part with any money (sorry I joke) but you must know what I mean….

…… may be you are scared what damage it will do to yourself and the kit car industry. Truth sometimes does hurt but so does the Beilby’s of the world. If the truth is said, then it can only be good, for every one, and its is then up to others to support the brave who stand up to these people, very few people are in a position to help, you can if you really want to.

The sad truth is Beilby is already trading again out there, and no one is doing any thing about it
Hi Coleman,
If you were to read other of my posts on this forum, you’d see that I really do care about matters of honesty and integrity of the press. No, I’m not scared of the consequences of exposing dodgy businesses, but one has to be careful when naming and shaming.

Did you know that Henry Ford’s first business went bankrupt? But his second venture was somewhat more successful. Would it have been right for journalists to knock his second venture on the strength of the first failure?
