Thread: Feel good Forum
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Old 1st February 2014, 21:03
Join Date: Jan 2014
Posts: 41
PJ GRABOWSKI is on a distinguished road

Picking up on another thread here , Mike would you be able to put up pictures of your workshop for me ?
If my project is heading your way it would be kind of neat to see where shes going to be residing before she heads my way?
The paint bay I guess is going to be her home but if you happen to get any of the other project Miglias in the background , well that would be a home run too !
I saw how much that car made in Germany , thats a true testament to your build ability buddy . Your prep and paint skills truly paid dividends on that one !
It would be kind of cool to see your progress with the others .
I would be very interested to see the Spitfire version too. I have already said I preferred the central cockpit styling of the Ribble as demonstrated in T's picture above , but I am interested to see if the shorter Spitfire version maybe has a similar balance for my eye.
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