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Old 5th February 2014, 15:09
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Paul L Paul L is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Wembley, London
Posts: 5,058
Paul L is on a distinguished road

Have I ever mentioned the weather before?
Well in between all the wind and rain I only had a few minutes to work outside today.

I made a start on applying fibreglass filler to the battery box.

The inside doesn't look too bad, although there is more filler to go in here.

But it was a mistake to try to smooth the filler on the outside with my fingers (while wearing surgical gloves).

As I turned the whole area into a complete dog's dinner.

Still, nothing that can't be fixed next time I am out.
( Which might be next week at this rate. )

And finally I had to say good bye to my current car work jacket after some 20+ years of loyal service.
It was a gift from the MZ factory when I used to races MZ250s for one of their main UK dealers.

Unfortunately, I have caught it so many times on the sharp edges of the bulkhead it wont survive the washing machine.

Until next time, take care, Paul.
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