Thread: donor vehicles
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Old 4th March 2014, 10:05
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Have look at my thread

I have a list the parts that I have bought and I am still buying different bits, my list of wants seem never ending.

The prices for the sale of the parts various so much, I have seen bonnets sell for £70 and other sell £15 (I even give mine away just to get rid of it). Look on eBay and try and price a few items.

I decide to go with standard bushes, as the where less that a 1/4 of the price, as I didn't' feel the need for Poly all-round (but its your car your choice).

I have not meet one car builder that is whole heartedly happy (I may be wrong there may be someone on here), there is all mod's and thing's that you want to change (improve), as time progresses.

I have Land Rovers, I love them for there quirks, there heavy steering, the noise, the smile factor etc.... . But every time I go out in one of them I find something I want to change alter, fix or improve.
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