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Old 3rd June 2014, 15:59
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Paul L Paul L is offline
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Location: Wembley, London
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Paul L is on a distinguished road

Scottie - I'm not always sure I am doing the right thing, but I am trying my best.

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Another Short Session:
Well it took a long time for my workshop "roof" to stop leaking this morning.

And with a full day of "leaks" forecast for tomorrow, I opted for more consolidation work.

I tidied up the foam covered area I worked on yesterday and primed part of it.

But I left the edge / corner that I still need to add some more fibreglass matting to untouched.

Then I put some black paint on the areas that were already primed.

In this last photo you can also see the mesh I cut out for the final edge I need to repair.

At this point is was really warm and sunny and the primer I'd applied earlier was dry.

Now normally I wait 24 hours before painting it, but it was only when I got to the raw fibreglass section I remembered the primer was fresh.

So this section is also black.

This is what the arches are looking like now.

Please excuse all the dust on the sections I that I haven't been working on and didn't waste any time cleaning properly.

Then it was another round of fibre glassing, starting with the final layers of matting on this corner.

And finishing with the start of the layering process on this corner.

By now the temperature had dropped quite a bit and the sky looked like this.

So I added a couple of "spacers" to the arches.

And stuck the cover back on.

My timing was good (for a change), as the rain came hammering down shortly afterwards.

So until next time, take care, Paul.
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