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Old 25th July 2014, 15:29
WorldClassAccident WorldClassAccident is offline
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When I was with Chris on Wednesday I noticed he had a fancy conical air filter fitted and said it sounded great. I immediately wondered if it made more power too so started to google.

Unfortunately this suggested not :

But it did suggest modifying the route of the air to the air filter would improve things. Unfortunately I couldn't see any pictures on the thread and other threads I looked at didn't look the same as my engine.

Not to be put of by a lack of knowledge, guidenance or ability I made a start.

I found the bottom of the air box and pulled the connecting bit of plastic off

This was a funny shape with a sort of rectangle at the end that connected to the bottom of the air box and a flat slot at 90 degrees at the other end.

Which ever way you looked at it there seemed to be sub-optimal air flow.

What was needed here was a genius plan to use part of the existing plastic, a jubileee clip, some extra piping and my finely honed fabrication skills to get a flow of cold fresh air directly from the front of my car with no funny squidged bits.

I used a high tech computer aided design tool to generate the theoretical prototype

The yellow line shows where I should cut. The picture below shows where I actually cut.

A quick stroll over to A&E for a wash and three stiches and it looked a lot neater.

Back to the car again and I am pleased with the end result. I didn't bother refitting the bit of plastic and the end result looks like optomised air flow to me.
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