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Old 8th November 2014, 12:32
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Paul L Paul L is offline
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Location: Wembley, London
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Boot Lid - Locking Pins:
My initial plan was to continue sanding down the inside edge of the boot lid.

Then it dawned on me, that I should really drill the holes for the locking pins before I go any further.

But first I did a little more work on sanding / setting the gaps around the edges of the boot lid.

These are by no means perfect, but they are slowly getting there.

Note: The use of natural spacers.

A strip of masking tape ensured I had equal spacing relative to the handle at the top.

There is also a hint of an abstract / modern art face in that photo too.

The bolts for the pins will go just the other side of the rain channel, somewhere around here.

Initially, I was planning a similar location for the bottom pins relative to the rain channel.

But when I tried to mark up the bottom pins, the tip of the hump fouls the driver's side washer.
( Remember the passenger side hump is inset slightly. )

So I ended up with the bottom pins like so.

Which means the rain needs to be re-worked to accommodate the bolt somewhere around here.

The dodgy fibreglass join in the rain channel you can see above my hand is on the list of things to repair/re-do.

Unfortunately, by now the dark clouds had gathered.

So I put the covers back on the car and took the boot lid into the porch.

Looking at the inside edge, the bottom pins will have no issues.

But for the top pins to fit, I will need to cut away part of the rope re-enforcement to get a flat surface.

There was just enough time to put the boot lid into the garden shed before the rain started.

So the next job will be to cut out the four holes.

Given the odd shape of the holes, I think this may be another very time consuming job.

Having said that, I really like the way the boot lid is coming along and it will be worth the effort in the end.

Until next time, take care, Paul.

Any feedback on the chassis questions I had at the bottom of my last post would be very welcome.
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