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Old 29th December 2014, 16:50
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davecymru davecymru is offline
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Join Date: May 2011
Location: Somerset
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davecymru is on a distinguished road

I've been a bit quiet on here of late, but the build is progressing.
Just a bit slowly due to the endless rounds of filling / priming / sanding / filling / priming /sanding / <repeat as necessary>

Then today I finally got to the "FFS that'll do" stage!

I've said it before, but having gone through this process myself I can see why a professional paint job costs too much due to the time and care put into it!

So a few layers of high build primer have been applied and as many faults as I could spot in my cramped ikkle garage have been rectified in between layers.

Then today after I finally snapped I applied the first of the top coats to the main tub! And also started priming the bonnet.

It's certainly very Red.....

Sadly don't let that mirror finish fool you, as it was all still wet at that point, but it did give me a glimpse of things to come (fingers crossed!)

I thought it worth sharing that as I'm spraying in quite a constricted and cluttered space (needs must) I've founds that raising the car up on Axle stands has really helped with the spraying and also helps getting a better overall picture of things as I progress

So as I'm likely to be tied up over the next few days i'll wish you all a good new year and I look fwd to the Miglia/Sammio/Ribble/Tribute fun continuing in 2015.

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