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Old 11th June 2015, 21:06
8 Valve Ed 8 Valve Ed is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Sunny Cumbria
Posts: 470
8 Valve Ed is on a distinguished road

OK, I made it to Morecambe! About 45 miles, goes like s**t off a shovel!

BUT... It won't re-start from hot. I stopped twice just to check things over, kick tyres and pose a bit... The engine refused to even fire until it had cooled right down. At no time has it overheated, nor even what I would call over hot but I noticed as the air became cooler it ran better.

It is also suffering from gasp, it doesn't like a boot full of throttle, especially in a high gear. When I tried to open it up over 60 it back fired.

I am wondering if it doesn't like the new ethanol fuel. It's as though it isn't getting any fuel, there is plenty of spark, it just won't start when hot.

Suggestions welcome, even what may seem daft ones!

Other than that I like it, it seems pretty stable, although it's way too low, it even grounded on a bump on a major dual carriageway! Once the teething issues are dealt with I think it's a keeper. Not sure I will look forward to long journeys, the seats are not that comfortable but perhaps they can be changed.
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