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Old 17th August 2015, 16:10
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Paul L Paul L is offline
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Location: Wembley, London
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Paul L is on a distinguished road

I am off work this week, so really want to make some decent progress on the car.

Unfortunately, a pile of other chores also need to be tackled, so not as much to report today as I'd hoped...

Bonnet Bulge:
I spent a bit of time double checking the rear edge of the bonnet & the tight gap around the corner of the radiator.

Thankfully, I am now pretty confident that there will not be a clearance issue once I've sorted out the rear edge profile.

So I decided to start making the bulge and dug out a section of insulation foam.

Which was then roughly cut into shape.

The curve/slope of the bonnet means that the hole doesn't have a matching gap on each side.

So I just needed to make sure the top of the foam was flat (ish) before I started.

I also had to hollow out the other side so that it would sit over the radiator and the cap.

After a bit of work I had the rough shape I wanted.

I plan to do the final shaping of the bulge with filler when I have this basic shape in fibreglass fixed into position.

At this point I had to re-cover the car and get on with other things, but I was able to start the first round of fibre glassing later on.

By doing the work near the garden shed at least I didn't need to carry everything out to the front drive.

I wrapped the mould in some cling film, a trick I'd seen Swifty & others do.

I them proceeded to make a complete pig's ear of putting some matting on.

But after a particularly messy session, at least I finally had a decent starting point.

I then left that to set while I got on with other stuff.

When that had set hard enough I gave a rough trim to the bottom edge to make it easier to remove from the mould.

Then I marked the bottom edge of the bulge on both the mould and then the fibreglass before the next round of trimming.

Then I took the covers off the bonnet to see the bulge in position.

I still need to give the bottom edge a final trim so they match the contours of the hole in the bonnet, but for now I just taped it into position.

I will also trim the edges of the hole to match the bulge so I can get a good join when I add matting to the inside edges of the hole/bulge.

I had several attempts at taking a decent photo showing the gap around the radiator cap & this was the best I could do.

Overall, I am very happy that this will be enough to sort out the clearance problem without any further work.

Right I'm just waiting for my wife to get home, so I can take her for a well deserved meal out.
( Our girls are at my mum's for the night. )

So until next time, take care, Paul.
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