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Old 10th September 2015, 08:10
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y cymro y cymro is offline
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y cymro is on a distinguished road

The owner states its "in the spirit" of the SWB which seems fair because it's certainly not a replica.
Side profile and proportions aren't right, door shape, side windows (cut down z3 lol) door openings, rear/boot profile, front grill opening, front wing length, rear screen, rear wing profile are all tributes to the real thing rather than being accurate.
I agree that it is a nice colour though, and I love the wheels, interior and motor.
Oh, and if it's a shortened 330GT chassis it'll need an IVA soon as Dvla has a witch hunt against expensive recreations at the moment (oh perhaps I'll be given a Q reg).
I see the sale is 'make an offer'- and it would be rude not to.

Like Ian States above, by asking $600k for it the seller has to accept people being picky.

Last edited by y cymro; 10th September 2015 at 08:33..
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