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Old 27th September 2015, 18:29
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davecymru davecymru is offline
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Join Date: May 2011
Location: Somerset
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davecymru is on a distinguished road

It's just that as soon as I finished on the Miglia I started 'er campervan.
And that doesn't' fit in the garage and so it's been V E R Y, V E R Y.. slow...

Until I finally bit the bullet and copied what some of the old Sammio boys did, and purchased a cheap 3mx6m Gazebo/Mini-Marquee from fleabay.

So this has been the scene on my drive for the past 2 months, with the poor Miglia trapped in the garage

But..... i'm nearly there making it watertight (don't ask!!!! But my neighbours now know 'exactly' what I think of 40yr old VW's!) and so like a moth from a cocoon, the camper will soon emerge and the Miglia should be free to catch the end of the summer

As you may have spotted from the picture the gazebo has been pegged, starapped and screwed to the drive as I live on the edge of the Somerset levels and it can be a bit windy. Which I why I _have_ to get it down before winter really sets in!

Even in the 2 months I've had the gazebo, it's managed to bend a few poles and I've had to tape and cable-tie the sides on! But when i'm done with it, it seems a shame to throw it in the skip, so if anyone wants to take it off my hands then it's yours for a few Ciders!

The gazebo that is, not the Camper van! Although given how much trouble that's been.....
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