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Old 3rd May 2016, 18:21
WorldClassAccident WorldClassAccident is offline
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I had assumed that America and the obsession with guns was using it as some sort of carbon offset mechanism*

Each American uses more energy that any other nations individuals.

If you shoot eighty five of them a day you are cutting your greenhouse gas emissions .

The fact that most who get shot are the poor and unloved also helps increase the average Americans wealth as there are less people with zero dragging down the average.

It is a win win situation.

*This was explained to me by a guy in a very expensive suit buying me very expensive vodka in a very expensive bar in New York about five years ago. I had assumed he was joking until over more Vodka and his frequent trips to powder his nose he explained the full details of his political views. Trust me, n?gg?rs shooting n?..ers was one of the less offensive proposals for world improvement he had.

Last edited by WorldClassAccident; 3rd May 2016 at 20:38..
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