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Old 12th September 2016, 11:23
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Paul L Paul L is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Wembley, London
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Paul L is on a distinguished road

Phil - Cheers, my confidence in the car is building with each trip I make.

And my big target is a trip to see you guys in Norfolk before the year is out.

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Lancelot - Thanks for the offer of the spray booth, I appreciate it.

As for the driving experience, see more thoughts below…

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First 250 Miles…
I have now driven a mixture of roads in the Swordfish and some are definitely better than others.

Motorways (M1 & M40)
- Have always worn an open faced helmet and googles for these stretches.
- Yesterday, I also put a long sleeved jumper on for the first time & it was was very cosy.
( Every other journey has been in just a t-shirt, even the M1. )
- There is a bit of buffeting to the head with the helmet on & wind noise, so I am using ear plugs.
( A bit too late for me, as I'm already deaf from riding motorcycles without them. )
- The car is pretty stable, even when passing big lorries.
- I definitely need to sort out a plinth for the passenger mirror at some point.
- People pulling along cross beside you, so their passenger can to takes photos/videos, is very unnerving at 70mph.
- The over drive switch is definitely on the blink working sometimes, but not others.
- The bonnet lifts slightly/flaps about at time and is certainly testing my faith in the leather straps.
- This could be due to the air flow, or bumps in the road, or both.
- I still need to fix a full rubber seal when I do the final body work prep for paint.
- I could also fit some bonnet pins to secure the top edge, or add some vents to the bonnet, or both!

Twisty A & B Roads
- Without a doubt, this is where the car really belongs and you can't help singing/humming "On days like these."
- Unfortunately, I haven't spent enough time on these sorts of roads yet.
- But man handling it around corners/bends is a lot of fun.

- I fear that speed humps will be the death of my lovely twin tail pipes.
( So at some point I will remove the lowering block just to see what a difference that makes. )
- Apart from that, it has been real pleasure driving around due to the joy it spreads.
- You can see a lot of expensive cars while driving around town, but I've yet to come across anything like this.

Traffic Jams
- I have now been caught in traffic on all the road types listed above.
- Thankfully, the engine temperature has always behaved itself.
- It only nudged above the half way mark when it was stationary in 80 degree heat.
- The HUGE Cordite opening and mesh grill seem to be working well.
- But the real down side is the level of pollution, which you really notice/taste.

Petrol Stations
- It is definitely a conversion starter when you stop to fill up.
- As a very rough estimate, I think I managed almost 40mph going to Oxford & back.

- Whilst I've now pushed the revs passed 4,000, I still instinctively change up too early.
- I was reading up on expected fuel consumption earlier today to check my calculations above.
- Someone on line was complaining that the Spitfire 1500 didn't like to rev beyond 6,000!
- So I still have some way to go before I feel at ease revving it a bit harder than I am currently.

- This my first classic car of any sort, so I am on a big learning curve.
- Which is why if was great to take Oxford130 out for a spin and get his feedback.
- I am also planning a drive to see JYClassics at some point to show them the car.
( As the car went on the back of a trailer to/from them last time. )
- At this point I am still a bit paranoid about every noise and squeak I hear.
( Most of which can be traced back to the bag of tools I have in the boot. )
- Which finally leads me to this car…

Triumph Dolomite 1850
- Back in 1986, two of my mates and I drove this car on an epic road trip to Poland and back.

- It was 13 years old at the time, but it got us there and back in one piece.
- It belonged to my best mate (the one who taught me to weld) and he has been in the Swordfish too.
- He quickly suggested there might be a problem with the overdrive due to the "gap" between 2nd & 3rd gears.
- But the main reason for posting the photo is to remind me that "basic" cars can be driven a very long way.

Anyway, that is more than enough words from me for one post.

So until next time, take care, Paul.
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