Thread: DVLA Question
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Old 19th November 2016, 07:09
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Originally Posted by deni View Post
…am I going to have trouble registering the kit car? …
Deni - Whilst your starting point isn't ideal, you should be OK if you do your homework. < Touch Wood >

But you will have to approach this very methodically and will definitely have a few more hoops to jump through.

So based on your posts, I have a few more questions for you.

…all the paperwork is correct and present…
By paperwork, do you mean a V5C?

Does the V5C match both the chassis/body VIN number and engine number?

…keeping the original plates…
Getting a V5C for your donor in your name is the starting point to keeping the original registration number for your kit.

…historic status…
Believe it, or not, but this is now a separate issue and is causing havoc over on the Rods 'n' Sods forum.

So what does the V5C show for the taxation class?
( Private/Light Goods or Exempt/Historic? )

In other words, has your donor previously been on the road with historic status?

Or has it been stored off the road as a PLG and now qualifies as historic by virtue of its age?

Unfortunately, this last option may really stuff your plans.

But let's skip over that can of worms and assume you have a V5C with historic status.

So before you do anything else, change the V5C details into your name.

You will also need to declare it SORN at the same time.

With the V5C in your name, make your first purchase some road legal number plates.
( Not show plates. )

Then your first re-body photo will be a rolling chassis with number plates that matches your V5C details.

Also, with a V5C in your name you can also ask the DVLA for details of all previous keepers.
( Researching your car's history is a valid reason to ask. )

Hopefully, one of the earlier keepers will have a photo of the complete car with the number plates visible.
( Which will be a big help to your case. )

I know this is already a long reply, but to put this into context the rules for old cars may be changing.

Which is also linked to a previous crack down on "dodgy" historic cars.

It is even linked to the cut backs in the number of old inspection offices, used by original Sammio builders.

This whole inspection process was gone by the time my build reached that stage.

Which is why the DVLA data base is now a critical part of the re-body process.

These days, if the "Computer says no." then you will have a lot more work to do.

Good luck, Paul.
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