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Old 13th February 2017, 06:30
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Mister Towed Mister Towed is offline
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Mister Towed is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by phil9 View Post
no big deal towed nice to see it in there ..sorry i mist you sunday about this weekend ...teas on...
Yep, it'll be nice to catch up Phil.

Taking Mrs Towed and Towed junior away for a surprise trip to The Lake District tomorrow. Sadly we'll be using her Pulsar for the journey as she says the back of the Alfa is too small for her to get comfortable in. As junior is now taller than me and gets sick in the back of any car anyway he gets the front seat and she either drives, which she generally prefers not to, or goes in the back.

She went to see 'Fifty Shades Darker' yesterday though so I tried selling her the idea that the back of the Alfa is like a purpose built, suede leather lined S&M dungeon that she could get all submissive in, but she ain't buying it and refused to get in. Quite a relief really as I was worried that all the chains and studs might scratch the paintwork...

We'll be back for the weekend so I'll drop in then for a chat about raising the back of the gearbox to drop the front of the engine. See ya soon.
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