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Old 20th February 2017, 10:04
Mick O'Malley Mick O'Malley is offline
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Unhappy Diff is locked?

Originally Posted by Mick O'Malley
Pitched in again this morning and managed to fit the final drive and rear suspension from the original chassis into the new one without much difficulty.

I now have a swing spring with fewer leaves, wider track and lower final drive ratio.

Regards, Mick
When this diff. and suspension were on the other chassis frame, it all rolled perfectly. Now, it's locked. Jacked up, one wheel turns in the opposite direction when the other is rotated. The input flange doesn't move. There's a tiny amount of movement when I twist the input flange, but the wheels don't even twitch.

Is it possible that inverting the diff as I was swapping it over has affected it internally? I certainly wouldn't have thought so, but I'm willing to be corrected.

Do any of you mechanical gurus out there have any ideas please?

Regards Mick
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