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Old 26th May 2017, 19:59
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Paul L Paul L is offline
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Location: Wembley, London
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Paul L is on a distinguished road

Molleur & Barber - Cheers chaps.

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Good News / Bad News:

Starting with the bad news, my real work project is temporarily cutting back on my hours and no hours = no pay.

Still, every cloud and all that, so obviously the good news is yet more unexpected car time available today.

Although this is not a great photo to mark the start of my day, the front indicator hole on the passenger side.
( Where the fixing hole on one side broke. )

I fixed some card to the front face, mixed up some fibreglass filler & liberally applied to the indicator holes on both sides.

Then I made the tough decision to tackle the inside of the bonnet during this phase of work.

Initially, I was hoping to just work on the areas around the lights and come back to the rest later.

However, if I started slapping on Tetroseal after I'd painted the rest of the car it was bound to end in tears.

Now previously, I used up the last bit of some filler on one of my Frankenstein cuts.

Note: I wasn't trying to create a smooth surface, just "take the edge off" the really rough surface.

So after mixing up multiple batches of filler, I had made a start on covering the various 'cut and shut' joins.

Unfortunately, there was so much butchery done to the bonnet, I will have to come back to the nose area another day.

I only remembered that I was supposed to put some brown parcel tape on the cardboard after I tried to remove it.

End of Part 1…

Last edited by Paul L; 27th May 2017 at 04:26.. Reason: Typos
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