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Old 16th June 2017, 18:07
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Paul L Paul L is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Wembley, London
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Paul L is on a distinguished road

Slow Friday - Part 2:
The rest of my car time was spent in the tent, which, although warm inside, was nicer that working in direct sunlight.

I started with the boot lid.

After an initial sanding, the lumps and bumps were showing up nicely.

After a bit more effort the whole surface was much smoother.

Unfortunately, it looks like some areas of high build primer were applied too thinly.

Which left me with a few batches to fix.

I also rubbed down the headlight rims too.

Finally, I sanded down the areas where the paint reacted on the inside of the bonnet.

But just to test things, I then added high build primer to one section, but painted BRG straight over the top of the other.

This was done in stages, as the high build primer was also used to cover the bare patches on the boot lid.

And the BRG was added to the headlight rims.

Which was a good enough point to stop for the night.

Until next time, take care, Paul.
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