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Old 9th July 2017, 16:56
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Paul L Paul L is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Wembley, London
Posts: 5,058
Paul L is on a distinguished road

Token Gesture:
Finally worked out how to put up the circus tent single handed.

Although I still needed my wife's help to bring the bonnet down from the dining room.

Whilst using the yoga to protect the bonnet nose seemed like a good idea…

It actually left traces of pink foam all over the place.

The driveway was a complete sweatbox for the few hours I had to sand down the body shell.

Still, at least I was able to make a decent start and, with a bit of luck, I will be able to chip away at this after work next week.

Once all the sanding has been completed, my basic plan is to paint everything at the same time.

Take care, Paul.
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