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Old 28th December 2017, 13:27
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Default Sanding advice please

Looking ahead to when the spring comes I'm going to prep my Sabre for it's new paint.

My Sabre was painted in about 1997 and has spent most of it's life under a leaky tarpaulin so is a very poor condition. I have no idea what paint was used but is a red metallic so presume it was 2 pack? Most of the body is GRP except the bonnet which is aluminium.

'Santa' brought me a 150mm random orbital sander and I'm looking for advice on what abrasive discs I should use to to sand it down in preparation for a professional paint job.

Looking on-line there seems to be a large variety of types of discs available. I know from limited experience that the 3M discs work much better than the cheap unbranded discs, but even 3M do a bewildering number of different types of discs??

I know there are some experienced painters on this forum so looking for some advice on what type of discs and grit size I should use to remove the old paint and then prep the surface for the paint job.

There is some micro-blisters where moisture has been trapped between panels where they have been bolted together. (Like where the wings have
been bolted to the body tub) I plan to soda blast these areas to remove the blisters and paint these areas with Reface but my soda blaster is not big enough to do the whole car.

Thanks in advance for some guidance, Peter
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