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Old 24th June 2018, 05:49
Mick O'Malley Mick O'Malley is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2012
Posts: 846
Mick O'Malley is on a distinguished road
Thumbs up Prescott Again

Yesterday's sortie was once again to this local (for me) venue, arriving without mishap at 0750. This is more than can be said for Friday when, returning from a visit and only half a mile or so from home I got stuck in traffic. I decided to turn off the engine to save juice, but when the time came to move it wouldn't re-start, cranking only very slowly. The motorists caught behind me on the narrow road were not amused! Salvation came in the shape of three women going the other way who stopped and pushed me to a parking space. Top girls! I waited ten minutes or so for things to cool down and she started first try. Relief.

The punters' parking field at Prescott was half empty with nothing of note to photograph, but the paddock did have a few. My favourite was this glorious Bugatti,

closely followed by this Brabham in classic colours.

As a teenager in 60s SE London I rode a scooter but got to know two blokes driving Anglias who frequented the same haunts. They'd had them sprayed in these very colours, fitted 1500 Cortina engines, 5.5J steel wheels, and bucket seats etc. I dreamt of the day I'd do similar. A few years ago this dream crept back when I saw another Brabham, so I investigated the possibilities which I quickly abandoned when I saw the prices 105Es were fetching

Ho hum, if the A352 sells well I might revisit.

Regards, Mick

Last edited by Mick O'Malley; 25th June 2018 at 08:19..
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