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Old 1st January 2019, 13:52
Mick O'Malley Mick O'Malley is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2012
Posts: 846
Mick O'Malley is on a distinguished road
Talking Off to a Flying Start in 2019

Today's sortie in the A352 was to the Cotswold Classic Car Club meeting at Shipton Oliffe, a handy venue for me, being only 12 or so miles away. I arrived at 1130 and was lucky to get in the pub car park as someone was just leaving and I slotted in next to a very nice T Series MG

There were a good few regular cars there, no doubt owned by the previous night's party goers, but a few gems, to my eye, were also there. including this very early Spitfire.

I wandered down to the overspill field which was filling rapidly and saw this beauty in house colour, which I always prefer to the rather hackneyed racing red.

A Vitesse with its bonnet up next caught my eye. I didn't get to speak to the owner, but I was deeply envious of their engine, which clearly had had a good few bob thrown at it.

Returning to the car park, I bought a coffee and fielded lots of punters' queries and compliments. One of them said that they'd been overtaken on the way by a red car similar to mine with 64 in its roundels..... I think Alex must have been elsewhere bound as I saw neither him nor his car.

It drizzled a little on the way back but Gloucester was dry for tucking up . A nice start to the kit car year!

Regards, Mick
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