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Old 24th January 2019, 15:23
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Paul L Paul L is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Wembley, London
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Paul L is on a distinguished road

Close, but no cigar…
I made a start on sewing together the passenger head rest.

The easiest part was switching to black thread.

As even pinning the two pieces of leather was harder to do than you might expect.
(In the end, I had to use the bradawl to make holes for the pins as they kept bending.)

Finally, I had the bottom section held in place.
(The two needles were used to ensure I kept everything at the right distance apart.)

Terrible photo, but I did set up a single length of thread with a needle at each end.

I then double stitched the bottom edge along the length between the two pin heads shown.

My theory was that this would allow me to wrap the longer piece around the bottom corners.
(Thus avoiding extra joins at the corners.)

So far, so good…

Things started to get complicated as I tried to join the long section to the 'face'.

Initially, I was getting confused about which way around the pieces needed to be.

I also felt that starting the sewing where the bottom piece ended would be too difficult.

So I decided to start along the curve and come back to the corners after the bulk of the sewing was done.

I had done most of the top curve when disaster struck…

As I managed to thread my second needle through the thread from the first.

All my attempts to fix the mess failed and I had to cut the thread short.

Then as I attempted to finish off one side, I was really struggling to get the material to follow the corner.

In a moment of madness, I abandoned Plan A and decided to join the two edge pieces at the corners instead.

Looking from the front, the bottom left corner was sewed together and it generally looks OK.

But I just couldn't work out how to neatly join the two edge pieces 'behind the scenes' at the corner.

Eventually, I worked out that it would have been easier if I had joined the two edge pieces together before I started.

I also worked out that my original Plan A to wrap the longer section around the corner was the right idea all along.

Which left me with no choice but to remove the bottom edge and start again.

But that was late last night, so I will have another go at this another day.

Until then, take care, Paul.
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