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Old 31st January 2019, 15:58
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Paul L Paul L is offline
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Location: Wembley, London
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Paul L is on a distinguished road

Day 2:
Having walked away from a mess of my own making, I came back for more self inflicted punishment.

I had actually convinced myself that I needed to unstitch the whole thing and start again with two new edge pieces.

Thankfully, it dawned on me that just lengthening the bottom section would be enough.

So after more removing of stitches, the old bottom panel was out and a longer piece prepared.

With one side done I was facing this corner for at least the fourth time.

At long last the face was all sewn back together and at least looked 'flat' on the inside.

Which corresponded with a much smoother looking front side too.
(Remember the leather is just folded over the foam and not pulled tight.)

The only fly in the ointment came as I remembered why I was going to remove both edge pieces.

Yes, the joins on the both are not equal distance apart.

Yes, the ripples had bugged me so much that I'd forgotten that the joins weren't 'right' either.

However, when I rediscovered this as I was sewing I may have turned the air blue for a prolonged period.

But, I do here by solemnly swear that I will leave this head rest as it is, fit it and forget about it.

Until next time, take care, Paul.
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