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Old 13th February 2019, 21:06
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Paul L Paul L is offline
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Location: Wembley, London
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Paul L is on a distinguished road

Part 2:
Thankfully, I had better luck with the passenger headrest.

The reflections in the photo make it look like there is a 'step' in the face of the foam, but there isn't.

I was left with just one slight winkle in the bottom edge that wouldn't go away.

I used less tacks this time, which makes the rear side look a bit better.

So now I have both headrests ready to go.

I just had time to double check that all the fir trees lined up with the markings on the aero humps.

Thankfully they all did.

While I was looking at where the headrests were going to go, it dawned on me that there was something else to align with.

As, rather than keep looking at the body shell angles, I could use the top of the seat that the headrest is meant to match.

By now, the light was gone and I needed the flash, but the head rest position I settled on does align with the seat.

So when I get the chance I will drill the holes and fix the headrests into position.

But until then, take care, Paul.
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