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Old 3rd March 2011, 08:52
Crocus Crocus is offline
Junior Member
Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 25
Crocus is on a distinguished road
Default Hi Chris

Everything's plodding along but its a plod rather than a sprint.

I'm currently on my 3rd road car. With each car, I make alterations and add additional tooling to make the next car easy to make or improved. The time it takes varies from car to car because of this, so I'm treating them as road going prototypes and offering them for sale once they're finished.

I am essentially a one man business with some part time help. The economic climate has been pretty tough and its not bouncing back quickly. Everything is financed through ongoing work and the D2 is only part of that; I also supply parts and provide design services. At this moment if I launched a website I'd probably generate orders that I couldn't meet because the company isn't sufficiently developed and the one thing that nobody wants is another company in this sector generating unhappy customers.

I haven't posted so frequently on here because time is in ever shorter supply but if anyone want to know anything I'm always happy to oblige.

Kind Regards


Last edited by Crocus; 12th March 2011 at 10:25..
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