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Old 9th October 2017, 19:14
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Paul L Paul L is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Wembley, London
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Paul L is on a distinguished road

Jag, Molleur, Slickshod & Oxford – Cheers chaps.

Unfortunately, I have neither the time, nor inclination, to improve the paint finish any further.
( But I do appreciate both the advice given and the good intentions behind it. )

There are two main problems with the paint as it currently stands:
- A number of ‘blotches’ where the different shades of BRG have come to the surface.
- A number of areas that have rubbed through to the primer underneath.

The harsh reality is that I was getting trapped in a never-ending cycle of trying to fix these small problems.
( The fact I need to leave the car uncovered for the thick end of a day when painting doesn’t help. )

This game of ‘Whack-a-mole’ could go on for months, so I have to draw the line somewhere and yesterday was it.

I know the finish isn’t perfect and I know that throwing more hours at it would improve it.

But, for me at least, it is good enough.

In fact, for a car painted al fresco, with a brush, the final dull shine is nothing short of amazing.

It was never my intention to fake patina, but I seem to have managed it whilst trying my best.

I actually think the paint is appropriate for the overall wonkiness of the bodywork.

As the shiner the paint gets, the more the undulations in the panels themselves shows up.

Anyway, I am now going to start bolting the shiny bits back on and try to get back on the road ASAP.

Although, with both the weather and work against me these days, that might take a while.

Deep down, I am really looking forward to seeing the reaction the car gets now it is in ‘colour’.

Take care, Paul.
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